The IPR110+ RoIP Gateway combines VoIP & SIP technologies to enable dynamic connections to remote radios making radio communications more accessible and easy to use. The IPR110+ is used for two main purposes: Providing radio network coverage to SIP phone users; Extending telephone coverage to rugged or difficult locations that are best accessed through wireless communications. The gateway enables users to connect to remote radio networks from their existing office based SIP compatible PBX systems and, at the same time, it gives users of two-way radios the ability to dial SIP phones or telephone extensions from the field. The powerful IPR110 Plus builds on the features of the highly regarded IPR100 by providing remote RS-232 channel change and higher levels of security. The real power of this device comes from the product’s ability to manage connections with SIP phones and SIP compatible PBX systems. This product is perfect for organisations requiring occasional access to a radio network using SIP Phones.